The Quran is an immense treasure meant to guide us through darkness like the stars guide travelers of the desert..

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

kerna mulot hati binasa

adakah sy sgt sensitif lately?
klu ade slh org sket or org t'kasar bhs sket or org mcm pndng rndah kt sy.
sy akn sy pendam..senyap je..
buat2 sy x ambk hati.
bila pikir balik..
mcm la sy x pnah wt org trasa kn?
mybe org pn mcm tu gk ngn sy.
just pendam n ignore je. cuba muhasabah balik..
mungkin sy pn tak jaga tutur kata sy,tngkah laku sy ngn kekwn..
mungkin org lain pn pnah makan hati ngn sy.
mcm pepatah cina 'satu jari telunjuk tuju kt org lain tp 3 jari t'tuju ke arah kita'kn?

so..HATI ,
jom maafkn org2 tesebut k..
dgn harapan Allah akn buka pntu hati mereka untk maafkn sy jugak..
dan dgn harapan ukhuwah yg t'bina mendapat keredhaan Allah
bila saling maaf memaafi..

"YaAllah JAUHILAH kami dari sifat prasangka buruk terhadap org lain"

Thursday, May 26, 2011

take home massages

case 1
female pt. ,35 years old , married , live in 'somewhere in countryside of alex',admitted on 22/o5/11

c/o - low back pain since 2 months
- also tingling in the leg which is more on the left side

present hx
- condition started 2 months ago as she try to lift heavy object.
the pain was like' toothache'
it was progressing,radiating to the thigh and leg.
aggravated by bending forward and backward and relief a little as she standing straight and have bed rest in flex position.
she also claimed that when she woke up in the morning from sleep she can't walk on her foot as she felt severe pain

past hx
she used to work as labourer and have to lift cement weight 50kg on her back and shoulder everyday.

she onced felt pain on her lower back.
see doctor and the doc prescribed her NSAIDS and the pain subsided(wat an ignorance doc,knp x suh wt at least Xray?)
after long time she felt pain on her stomach

no dm,no ht,no bilharziasis,no virus c....

no special habit

no similar condition in her family member

examnitaion done
result -
can't sit and stand comfortably
breast not on the same level
flattening of cervical lordosis
lateral deviation of lumbar vertebrae to the left
pelvis not on the same level
can't walk on tip toe or on the heel
rasing leg test - the angle of extension diminished

x ray - disc space widen
mri - 'black disc' or disc prolapse

moral of the story:
nerve root compression - present with refer pain..
so kna ingt dermatomes of LL ok?

case 2
male,23 years old,single
c/o pain in knee joint
hx - chronic sinusitis and take NSAIDs

x-ray- avascular necrosis head of femur(d.t chronic intake of NSAIDs)

--> pt come with knee pain or lumbar region pain - should alway suspect sumthing's wrong with hip joint

case 3
male child, 6 years old
pain on upper tibia
give history of fever and fall

--> always suspect acute osteomyelitis in child if pt give those type of complaints till proved otherwise


Wednesday, May 25, 2011


salam blog..
sbb hr ni agk tensen..
jari jemari rs nk menulis..
td agk sdeyh bila blajar psl trauma of lower limb..
anatomy zero...
hanya 1% je yg ade dlm kepala..
yg lain pergi mengglkn kepala sy :(

so sumthing's crossing my mind now..
will i be able to be at least a gud doctor i the future?
am i qualified enough or fit enough to be a doctor?

there are chances to improve yourself k?
dun ever give up!
ALLAH x ska org yg 'putus asa dgn rahmatnya..
"ujin tu rahmat kn?"

ade 2 thn lg kn?
jgn sia-siakn peluang anda ok?

Thursday, May 5, 2011


salam blog..lama x mnjenguk..
hr ni rs nk menulis..

bila pk psl tnggungjwb..
banyak actually tnggngjwb yg x terlaksana dgn baik..

tnggungjwb sbg hambaNya..
sbg anak..
sbg kakak..
sbg student..
in every part of my duty in life..
did i play my role very well?

muhasabah balik..
insyaALLAH..peluang msh ada untk membaiki diri..