The Quran is an immense treasure meant to guide us through darkness like the stars guide travelers of the desert..

Thursday, February 7, 2013

oh my iman!

my iman and my self motivation keep fluctuating..
what am i suppose to do?

but lately i kind of 'addicted' to this book.
hopefully 'it' will help me to 'istiqomah'/stand firm with what am i doing and renew my 'iman',my motivation,my intention,my purpose of life from time to time.

evendoe buku ni dah cam agak lapuk..and dlu tak penah baca betol2 and hadam betol2 pon.
tapi sekarang..kena sedarkan diri dah kot.
hidup di dunia sekali sahaja.hargai hidup kamu!

''Ia akan berkata: "Alangkah baiknya kalau aku dahulu sediakan amal-amal baik untuk hidupku (di sini)!" al fajr 24

(learn..try to implement what you've understood.kamu boleh!)

Monday, February 4, 2013

'Fairytales' Do Come True ; Love Story Begins

if someone have gut to do this to me..i will be the luckiest girl in the world! is not just uttering the word 'i love u'.
love means you have to prove it instead.

pergi jumpa mak ayah cakap ''saya suka anak pak cik saya mahu sunting anak pak cik sebagai isteri saya ''..that's the real man i think.

however it's a lil bit difficult to find a real man like in this video...
suka a girl then terus jumpa parents..
never give up even the girl rejected him at first.