The Quran is an immense treasure meant to guide us through darkness like the stars guide travelers of the desert..

Monday, December 12, 2011

kata-kata Allah itu benar

Salam blog..

Hari ni sy blajar pasal intersex..


Actually, ayat dalam quran yg menyebutkan;

لرِّجَالُ قَوَّامُوْنَ عَلَى النِّسَاءِI

“Para lelaki adalah Qowwam bagi para wanita …”QS an Nisa’: 34.

telah dibuktikan dari penciptaan genetic lagi yg menentukan sama ada bayi yg dikandung itu baby boy or baby girl.

Sebabnya , chromosome Y yg menentukan sama ada bayi tersebut akn ada testis or ovary..

Sebabnya dalam chromosome Y ada gene yg dipanggil testicular determining factor yg akan menetukan development of testis.

So the rule untuk tentukan bayi itu laki or perempuan is the presence of chromosome Y..

So bila ade chromosome Y those babies will develop testis,

Then the testis will produce testosterone and Mullerian Duct Regression Factor(MDRF)

Testosterone will stimulate Wolfian Duct to develop men’s internal and external genitalia.

While MDRF will inhibit development of uterus,fallopian tube and upper 2/3 of vagina.

So jadilah bayi tu lelaki after 6 weeks of gestation.

Begitulah sebaliknya, in absence of Y chromosomes,

The testis will not be there is no production of testosterone and MDRF

So the baby will have ovary,fallopian tube,uterus and upper 2/3 of vagina..hee

That’s why even dlm genetic ‘ar-rijal qowwaamuun ‘ala nisaa’

Because yg determine sex is chromosome Y.not X.

Tp jgn salahguna ayt Quran untk alasan menindas kaum wanita ok?..

Islam ade garis panduannya. Right?

Jom tgk cite house – pasal abnormality in development of sex:MORRIS SYNDROME

This woman actually is a man!

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