there are things that i highlight from this video..
'salah is the first thing that we are asked about in the day of judgement,
The Prophet S.A.W said, the first thing that will be judged among a man's deed in the day of judgement is the PRAYER, if this is in good order, then he will succeed and prosper
but if it is defective then he will fail and will be the loser
..''but u know some of us might be praying (and alhamdulillah we're praying on time)BUT they are procrastinating their solah.
the solah has become mechanical, we're praying but it just our body praying or we're praying s0 fast that we don't feel anything, we don't even know what we just did and
even in the way that we're praying is wrong..
because one time The Prophet S.a.W saw a companian praying
and he told him after he was done praying "go back and pray for you haven't been prayed"
so he goes back and pray again,and again The Prophet S.A.W told him to go back and pray again for you haven't been prayed
and this happen for couples of times
the reason why this happen is that the man was praying so fast like chicken picking after the ground.
(just want to finish it )
it's not a proper solah because in solah each motion in solah is suppose to be a time of stillness(tama'ninah)
(hold and still)because it's part of khusyu'
but then the question is we have the solah in place then we struggle with the khusyu'
(it's just our body doing the solah but our mind,our heart,our soul isn't there, it's just our body)
so how do we change that,how do we work on that aspect?
one of the most important thing,is that whatever occupied our mind all day
watever the first thing we'll think about when we wake up,and the last thing we think before we sleep
and what we think about all day,what we stay up worrying about is the same thing we will think about in solah
so if 'that' thing which occupied our mind most and which we care about most is ALLAH S.W.T
the rest of the day..that we'll gonna think about in solah too.
so the problem why we can't focus in solah is because we can't focus on ALLAH outside the solah''
her lecture,her tazkirah.touched my heart.
susah untuk khusyuk kalu selalu pikirkan benda lain sampai terbawak2 dalam solat.rite?
banyak lagi benda yg ustazah yasmin ni bincangkan.
kenapa solat ni wajib,tujuan solat,..many more..
so..jom hayati!
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